Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Surprise Party and More......

I wanted to take so time out of my day and tell all my family and friends...thank you. I am thanking you for all your support of Summer, Olivia and I while I have been gone, and as I returned. When Summer and I finally had the chance to go back to Kentucky Dec.31-Jan 4th, I was reminded of how much family and friends mean to us. If you were unable to attend the surprise party, I know you were all there in spirit. But for those who did, I want to thank you very much. Carrie, Selena, and Martha thank you specifically.

What an amazing blessing was it when I walked into the Snappy Tomato and the room was filled with family and friends. Wow, how amazing is that! Once again thank you.

Now that i am home and transitioning back into the civilian climate, I must admit it was tough at first. The toughness is not out of some dangerous experience that keeps me up at night, or out of fear that I will be targeted...it is much more than that. The hardest part has been to be able to allow myself vulnerable, or show emotion again. You see, in all your briefings you are told to be aware of your emotions, the list they give is so long it covers almost every emotion I can think of. Saying that I felt like I could show none, for fear that someone would judge me or be overly concerned. But, after getting back into church and spending time with Summer, Olivia, our church, and friends it has been the perfect transition. I feel free to drop the warrior mentality and be the Father, and Husband that God wants me to be.

Summer, Your strength and determination is so unbelieveable. I find encouragement in you every day. Thank you for being the wife, best friend, and amazing mother that you are. Martha and Jim and the rest her family and friends....thank you for helping mold her into who she is, years and years before our eyes ever met.

Olivia....what can I say about you that everyone doesn't already know. You are so fun and I have enjoyed days where you and i have gotten to hang out together. I love your piercing blue eyes and your laughter that is contagious to everyone in earshot. Your personality is already developing and you are already learning how to cut at my heartstrings. Tricks on dad you play that mom does not fall for. I love it. I pray that God will continue to find favor in our family and thank him for allowing us to be your parents.

To everyone else once again thank all of you. I had an easy transition and I thank you for it.


Amy said...

Wow! That is the sweetest thing I have ever read! Glad your home Rob.

Unknown said...

You are more than welcome Rob. I was so glad to be a part of it. I'm very thankful you arrived home safely with you family!! You are an amazing man with a beautiful family! I love you all very much!!! :)

Pamela Frye said...

Rob, Summer and Olivia, Justin and I hope to hear from you soon. We are so happy for you and having the fantastic family you have. I was wondering if you are coming back to school? I walk in June, right on schedule even with my sidelines that have occurred. I love you, you are always in my prayers. Mother Goose.