Monday, February 2, 2009

Faith in Action

For those in KY : Faith in Action is something our church, Cumberland Community Church, does once a quarter to reach out the community and give back. We have decided to become more actively involved in serving Smyrna as opposed to expecting everyone to come to us, the building of CCC. Previously, we have worked at a local elementary school making improvements and fed the homeless. Once members went to work for a senior community to help them wherever needed (I didn't get to do that one). So this time, our staff and elders decided to do some work within our building. Rob and I have been at CCC for over 2 years now and it has grown so much. So it was decided that if we were going to welcome people to the building, we should probably clean the place up a little. So that is what we did. Everyone worked from 8 until 4, well most did. We were served a wonderful lunch, with dessert (yummy!). Rob ended up pulling up some pews in the auditorium and the floor underneath was painted. I sanitized toys all day, not my favorite but it has to be done. I am attaching a picture of Olivia. She basically just hung out and inspired us with a beautiful occasional shout out. My goal for her and our family is to keep Olivia involved in serving so that she understands how important it is. Remind me of this please as she grows and I become more busy. This is definitely something I don't want to forget. Below is the church website if you want to check it out.

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