Monday, June 29, 2009

Our baby girl has taken some small steps!!!

Today was a monumental day for this family. Olivia took her first steps. Rob and I have been anticipating this for weeks and today when it happened I almost cried. I was cooking and Rob was working on school work. Neither of us were prompting her and she simply stood up and took two little steps. I squealed and she clapped. Rob just so happened to have witnessed this moment from the other room too, which was perfect!! Then we started getting her to take more and she took a couple of steps towards me and a couple towards dad. It was so exciting! This has been something we have spoke about for a while and yet when it happened... it was kind of sad because this is our little girl and she is growing up SO FAST! She took many more steps throughout the night and we caught two little ones on video and thought we would share them with you. I want to warn you that it is a short video and you will need to turn the computer, because I couldn't figure out how to rotate the picture.

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