Monday, November 10, 2008

Getting so close to being a complete family...

November has officially begun and that means that this is the last full month that Rob will be in Iraq. I can't believe this time is almost over... I am feeling so relieved already. Olivia is wonderful... she rarely ever cries or fusses... but I am going to take a serious nap once Rob returns. : ) He is on diaper duty for a few weeks.

He and I were talking tonight on webcam and he got to see her laying on her belly holding her head high. and proud (and wobbly). She so desparetly wants to roll and scoot, but we are not quite there. She has rolled from her belly to her back, just once. But I give her another week or two and she will be flipping from side to side. Just in time to head to KY for Thanksgiving.

She is definitely becomming so aware of everything. She reaches and grabs for all of her toys. She loves her new exersaucer. Lately she has ever been helping during time to dress by holding her legs for mommy.. it's so sweet!

I am attaching pictures. One of her on Halloween. I have no idea why this picture is sideways.. I can't seem to turn it around?? Anyway... we went to trunk or treat and it was super cold... so basically she was dressed as a beautiful cat in a blanket and a hat... but we still had fun serving popcorn to our community. The other pictures were taken this weekend when my mom and sister came to visit. I hope you all enjoy them.

1 comment:

Rob and Summer - said...

Babe I am so glad you posted this video. I have looked at it llke a thousand times. You two are amazing blessing in my life. I love you guys, and Daddy will be home real soon. Love you,