Tuesday, November 11, 2008


For those of you that saw my little video yesterday of O trying so hard to roll over.. SHE DID IT! She fought tonight until she made it from her back to her belly... then actually to her back again. As I write this I am so excited for her, but thinking... wow this is going to make things so much wilder for me once she becomes more mobile. I also watched the video again tonight and thought I should probably note that the nature sounds are from that little playmat for those of you that aren't familiar. I laughed because it sounds like I am having her roll over in the middle of the woods somewhere : ). These pictures are from tonight when she was so proud of herself for being on her belly. She kept tucking her arms back to her side so she totally looked like she was flying. It was really funny to see, but even now when I look at these pictures it still cracks me up.

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