Thursday, March 27, 2008

IRAQ....Not Just Yet

What's up friends and family. So my whole company left on the 25th and myself and one other soldier are staying behind. Not for good, but we loaded about 3 million dollars of cargo and I have been chosen to stay behind until the plane gets here to pick myself and the cargo up. So it will be another 10 days or so...which I have no problem with. So I am doing what every good soldier would do when they have no commander to boss you around..sleeping. I wake up when I am no longer tired and I go to bed when I am tired. Yesterday I was really bored so I played a round of golf. It has been a wonderful blessing. It's two less weeks I will be in Iraq. And that will always is a good thing.
As you can see Summer, Olivia, and I had the most wonderful time in Philadelphia. Wow..What an awesome city. We tried to do everything we possibly could and it still was a long 4 days. Olivia started Kung Fu fighting in Summer's belly and I felt her for the first time. It was such a powerful event in my life as well as Summer's. It was really special. If you guys can think of anything I can do here on Ft.Dix to pass the time I would love some suggestions. I am really that bored. Well any ways I love you all very much and thank you for your support and prayers.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

Hi Rob,
I just read "IRAQ...Not Just Yet"
I was thinking of you and thought I'd see if you had posted anything new. I wish you had some of your favorite cookies..chocolate oatmeal to help pass the time.
All of us here miss love you and will be praying for you, Summer, and Olivia.
