Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's a Girl!!!

I went to the doctor yesterday for my half way check up and we found out that we are having a baby girl. Here is her picture. I hope that you all have no trouble identifying her. I know that sometimes these pics are hard to see. It is her little face profile. What you may think is her arm is actually her leg. She had them very drawn to her and crossed at the ankles. One of her arms is to her side and the other is tucked behind her head.

According to the doctors, everything is looking great. She is measuring exactly where she is supposed to be. I believe she is about 6 inches from the tip of her head to the bottom of her booty. Rob and I are both very excited. He has been wanting a little girl from the beginning, so he screamed the announcement out to his entire unit when I called. She is already definitely as active as her dad, that is for sure. My due date is set for August 7. Just in time to not start the regular school year.

As far as changes with Rob, he is moving into the barracks today and out of the tents. That means more room and regular bathrooms. Needless to say, he is very excited. A whole new battalion showed up at Ft. Dix, so I guess they get the wonderful tents now. I will be spending the week with him in Philadelphia soon. His ship out date is set for March 25/26, but who really knows. So much changes with the military on a regular basis. Thanks for all your prayers and support thus far. It is so obvious that God's hand is at work here.


Anonymous said...

YAAAAY!! I'm excited for you, Rob and Belle Pepper!! he he!

Unknown said...

I am soooo excited for you two!! I can not wait until she is here!!! Love you guys!!!

Unknown said...

Oh she's so cute! Glad to hear that you are both healthy and that Rob will get to spend the rest of his time in New Jersey in a little more comfort! Sending love and prayers your way,


JEN said...

Owen will have a lil girlfriend and he is excited to meet her!

I am so happy for you and Rob and can't wait to go to Old Navy!! he he he =)

monroe's said...

I am so excited that you are going to have a little girl! It will be so much fun with a little girl, just like me!!!!! From Morgan

Kenny said...

Congrats Rob & Summer on one of Gods miracles. I can't wait to see her. Ya are in my thoughts and prayers daily...Dad