Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's Me Again

Hey guys. When I am not playing army or planning the next weeks activities, sometimes I get a little time to myself. So I am going to take this time to tell you how things are here. Things here are starting to fall into place. I have established a daily routine, so that helps a lot to not get frustrated when things aren't going your way. I also went to a gas chamber where our company was gased with CS gas. It's not that bad, it's a strong skin irritant that smells bad and burns your skin when exposed. They told us that the purpose of the training was to instill confidence in our gas mask, but between us, I could think of a hundred of other ways to do that. This week we have been slammed with training events, everything from land navigation to combat life saving skills. So it has been very busy, but great training. Conditions here are still a little rough, an hour in the cold you can't feel anything after that anyways. We are anticipating a month a half more or so. So not to much longer. I really miss getting the oppurtunity to hang out with all you. I hope you guys are keeping Summer and I in your prayers. Well until next time, love you all and have a blessed day.


Brennen said...

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and praying for you daily! I know you are going to be awesome parents to baby "H"! I can't wait to meet him/her!

I will continue to pray for your strength and well being...all 2 1/2 of you!

All my love!

barbara said...

Hey! I enjoy reading all about your "escapades". I know you miss the comforts of home. I will keep you and Summer if my prayers and will say a special prayer for the little one. Everything at our household is o.k. Just the normal sore throats, stomach flu, and sinus problems. Other than that, God is good! Love you both lots, Barb

Anthony Moser said...

Hey Rob how are things goin with you. I upset that I didnt get to see you before you shipped out but I will keep you in my prayers.


monroe's said...

Hey Rob what are your wearing? Just kidding. I hope everything is going well. Morgan and Caleb ask about you often. We are hoping to go see Summer in Atlanta soon. We love and miss you. Carrie