Saturday, November 29, 2008

Olivia has definitely found her voice.

Thought I would post a little clip of her talking to us. Of course she isn't screaming nearly as much as she does when the camera is off... but you get the picture. Rob and I were talking on the phone the other day and he couldn't get over how loud she was. She is very vocal, especially when she first wakes up in the morning. It's really exciting to see her becomming such a sweet little girl.

All packed up and Ready for KY

We made the six hour drive and thankfully my little cousin Madyson rode with us. She is 8 and really helped with entertaining Olivia on the ride home. We just took our time.. stopped at Cracker Barrel and ate... then finally arrived home about 11:20 Georgia time. Of course, Olivia woke right up to greet Mom and Jim... then off to bed she went. I really couldn't have asked for a more wonderful little girl.

Rob's New Ride

I meant to post a picture for those of you that want to see Rob's new car, but I keep forgetting.... So better late than never. Here it is. He picked it out online.. basically did all the negotiating online.. all I pretty much had to do was go to the dealership and sign for it. We really love it! It's the perfect combination of truck for Rob, but it has great gas mileage and Olivia fits right in. I can't wait for him to get home to really enjoy it. Sorry it's dark outside, but you get the general idea.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


For those of you that saw my little video yesterday of O trying so hard to roll over.. SHE DID IT! She fought tonight until she made it from her back to her belly... then actually to her back again. As I write this I am so excited for her, but thinking... wow this is going to make things so much wilder for me once she becomes more mobile. I also watched the video again tonight and thought I should probably note that the nature sounds are from that little playmat for those of you that aren't familiar. I laughed because it sounds like I am having her roll over in the middle of the woods somewhere : ). These pictures are from tonight when she was so proud of herself for being on her belly. She kept tucking her arms back to her side so she totally looked like she was flying. It was really funny to see, but even now when I look at these pictures it still cracks me up.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Getting so close to being a complete family...

November has officially begun and that means that this is the last full month that Rob will be in Iraq. I can't believe this time is almost over... I am feeling so relieved already. Olivia is wonderful... she rarely ever cries or fusses... but I am going to take a serious nap once Rob returns. : ) He is on diaper duty for a few weeks.

He and I were talking tonight on webcam and he got to see her laying on her belly holding her head high. and proud (and wobbly). She so desparetly wants to roll and scoot, but we are not quite there. She has rolled from her belly to her back, just once. But I give her another week or two and she will be flipping from side to side. Just in time to head to KY for Thanksgiving.

She is definitely becomming so aware of everything. She reaches and grabs for all of her toys. She loves her new exersaucer. Lately she has ever been helping during time to dress by holding her legs for mommy.. it's so sweet!

I am attaching pictures. One of her on Halloween. I have no idea why this picture is sideways.. I can't seem to turn it around?? Anyway... we went to trunk or treat and it was super cold... so basically she was dressed as a beautiful cat in a blanket and a hat... but we still had fun serving popcorn to our community. The other pictures were taken this weekend when my mom and sister came to visit. I hope you all enjoy them.